Gabi Mooney is Founder and Executive Director of MASS Collective, a makerspace in Atlanta, Georgia.

Gabriella Mooney

Founder & Executive Director


Gabriella joined MASS Collective as a volunteer early on in its inception.

Growing up in a 100-year-old house, working with her hands was a part of her childhood. Early on she discovered a love of building, artistic expression in any form and a passion for learning.

Having spent many years in business management, community building and early education, she found herself searching for a way to bring these skills together. When MASS Collective opened to the public in 2015, a need was identified for someone to push the mission forward and hone in on the best way to support the community of artists and makers present in the Atlanta metro area. In 2016, Gabriella officially joined the staff at MASS Collective as a Project Manager.

As her role expanded and her dedication to the mission grew, she was promoted to Director of Operations, eventually founding the non-profit arm of MASS Collective, and then taking on the role of Executive Director. She now oversees the execution of mission and values of MASS Collective, maintains its ongoing education and apprenticeship programs and serves as the community’s touch stone for resources and needs.

Her ultimate dream would be to see her two young sons learn and grow at MASS Collective alongside the talented artists and makers in its community.